Speaker: Rev. Thomas Fitzgerald

“Words We Can’t Say in Church; like Virtue”

Along our Lenten journey, we reflect together on the meaning of virtue in our lives and in our shared, wider community. What can old notions of virtue tell us? What new virtues are with us today?

••• MUSIC: Rosana Eckert, and jazz and Brazilian pianist Jeff … read more.

“Words We Can’t Say in Church; like Sin”

Little is more human than sin. It touches all of our lives. As part of our Lenten series, we’ll talk about what sin really means to us…and what it doesn’t.

••• MUSIC:  Special Music with Melanie DeMore and the Sanctuary Choir

“Words We Can’t Say in Church; like Sacrament”

Special events and experiences mark many of our lives. Together we’ll consider how to decide which of those experiences are sacred and which aren’t.

••• MUSIC: violinist Harvey Wechsler and pianist Alan Dyer