There are abundant opportunities in any vibrant community to extend welcome. It is in doing this well that the best hope for the long term health of our community begins to take shape.


WELCOME CENTER – These volunteers staff the “visitor’s table” one Sunday a month in Channing Hall, either 9:00 – 11:00am, or 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. The volunteers greet and assist visitors at the Welcome Center.

Contact: Sharon Thompson, Dir. of Membership & Hospitality at 214-884-1230, or 

USHER & GREETER TEAMS – Ushers and Greeters welcome members and visitors to church each week and help provide a pleasant worship experience. Serving on either team is a wonderful way to meet people!

Greeters serve one Sunday a month for 1 calendar year. Only 12 days total! You are needed to serve in this vital ministry of welcome and hospitality. We will train you on everything you need to know.

CLICK HERE to sign up