Rev. Ruth joins the staff of First Unitarian as Minister in Residence in September. Ruth served First Universalist Church of Minneapolis for ten years as Minister of Worship and Pastoral Care, and received Minister Emerita designation upon her retirement in 2020. Having served as Theologian in Residence at First Unitarian during Rev. Daniel’s sabbatical, she is excited to join the staff and community this upcoming church year of 2021/22.
Ruth was born and raised in Denver, Colorado and moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota as a young adult to follow her dream of becoming a singer. For much of her career Ruth toured the country singing and performing. She began to write her own plays and music in her late thirties with much success, produced by major theaters of the Twin Cities.
Ruth met her beloved partner and wife, Rebecca Flood in her mid twenties and they have been quite a team for the past 38 years. Rebecca loves birding and the environment. She ended her career in environmental protection at the MN Pollution Control Agency as Asst. Commissioner of state wide water policy.
In her late forties, Ruth answered an insistent calling of a deeper spiritual life and ministry. She attended seminary and embarked on a new professional journey of discovery about how the arts and creativity can enliven the life of worship, and the life of the spirit, while bringing our imaginations and resolve to the work of racial justice, and healing this broken and beautiful world. It is with much joy and anticipation that Ruth joins our community of faith.