New Series – The Enneagram Journey 2021

The Enneagram is a powerful tool for spiritual, personal and collective transformation. It offers 9 distinct strategies for relating to one’s self, to others and to the world. In this study, participants will learn their number, the way they move through the world, the “passion” that drives them, their wing(s), how they operate when they’re in stress and when feeling secure, and what motivates them.

The 9 session study, facilitated by UU member Debra Cook,will be conducted at First Church on the following Thursday afternoons from 1-3 pm:

Oct  14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 11, 18, Dec 2, 9, 16.
Space is limited.

To reserve your spot use your camera, click on the QR code, and
complete registration. Or sign up in Realm.

Cost for the series is $25 to cover cost of workbook.

From a previous attendee: “I’ve used a lot of tools to learn more about myself: therapy, prayer, journaling, spiritual direction, Bible Study, etc. However, none of them have illuminated who I am and who I can be like the Enneagram. I wish I had known this when I first married and when my children were growing up.”