Creating a Meaningful Experience at First Unitarian Church of Dallas.

Church groups are a great way to make connections and find your place at First Unitarian Church of Dallas.  Along with regular participation in worship, involvement in social and service opportunities will help you know others and be known, engage in meaningful service, deepen your relationship with the church, and create a spiritual home for yourself and your family.

As you explore your relationship with the church and seek connections, we encourage you to try out groups of interest and to visit several times.  Find at least one to join and call your own.

What type of group are you looking for?


Book Club – Meets on 3rd Tuesday of each month to discuss a variety of books.  Dinner at 6:00 PM, La Madeleine Mockingbird, discussion at 6:30.  Join us for the joy of reading, eating and sharing!  Book titles are listed HERE.  Come for part or all of the evening (whether you’ve read the book or not!).  Have dinner or come later for discussion and dessert.  This is an informal group with a bent for a variety of books.  We were founded in June 2011 by church member, Robin Parker, and we wish to thank her for planting the seed and nurturing it in its early years.  We’ve bloomed!  And we hope you’ll become a part of our “bouquet,”  For more information, message HERE.

Creative Community- Meets every Thursday, 12 – 1 PM on ZOOM.  If you make or appreciate art, you’re welcome at these meetings where we enjoy fellowship, share our work and encourage each other.  This is a support group that meets weekly. Painters, sculptors, writers, knitters, watercolorists and more.  For more information, contact message HERE.

EAT– Meets on the 4th Saturday of each month, 5-8 PM at the church for a themed pot luck dinner.  Adults in their 30’s & 40’s.  Childcare provided by reservation.  Message HERE.

Foodies & Friends – Meet with a different group of 8 people for a monthly dinner in homes.  Sign up in September.  Dinners start in October.  Sign up as a substitute anytime.  Christmas event and summer picnic open to all.  For more information, message HERE.

General Discussion Group – Meets on 2nd Thursday, Noon at church for a brown bag lunch and discussion of topics of mutual interest in order to develop informed options and identify opportunities for action.

Interweave – An affiliate of First Church and Interweave International.  Sponsors social events and opportunities for service for LGBTQ people and allies. Message HERE.

A Search for Wisdom – Meets each Thursday at 11:00 AM in various locations (including Half Price Books on NW Highway) for an informal study of philosophical topics.  Check the church calendar online or message HERE.

Young Adults – Join the Young Adult Fellowship group in REALM, our online community, for an assortment of social activities and classes. Message HERE.


Circles – A small group ministry program of First Church.  New group formation and sign up occurs each September and January; groups begin in October and February and meet together for 12 sessions – usually monthly for 1 year.  For details, click HERE.  Message HERE.

Love Beyond Belief (LBB) – Small groups focused on an active, service, or spiritual practice.  New groups forming now.  Additional information HERE. Message HERE.

Sunday Morning Meditation – Zen tradition meditation.  Discussion followed by practice.  Meets Sunday mornings, 8:30 – 9:00 AM, Room 302, Hallman Building.  Join us!

Tai Chi – Meets Tuesdays, 7:00 PM, Raible Chapel on Normandy Avenue.  Drop in anytime.  A small fee is charged.

Yoga – Restorative yoga class meets Thursday, 9:30 AM at the church.  A fee is charged.


Women’s Day Alliance (WDA) – This unique community of women of all ages will help you build lasting friendships and inspire you with motivating stories, lectures, music, and service opportunities. All this occurs at monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of each month from September to May that include a meal (catered or potluck) or snacks. In addition, members meet in small groups to socialize or focus on special interests. This is a very active group that has room for you! More information HERE.  Message HERE.

WDA Friendship Circle – A great way to get to know other women is to attend Friendship Circle.  We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the church, year round.  Our sole purpose is to get to know one another better, build new friendships, and maintain old friendships.  Everyone is welcome.  More information HERE.

WDA Bridge – We play bridge for fun and friendship!  All are welcome – those who have never played – we’ll teach you; those who haven’t played in a while – we’ll help you catch up.  We meet on the 2nd and 5th Tuesdays of each month from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at JJ’s Café, 10233 E. Northwest Highway.  More info HERE.

WDA Movie Matinee Group – Generally meets on the 4th Tuesday at the Angelika Theater for an afternoon movie.  This is a very informal group.  All are welcome.  Get on the mailing list to receive notification of which theater and movie.  More info HERE.

WDA Book Group – Reads novels and memoirs written by women.  Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 1:00 – 2:30 PM in Room 303 in the Hallman Building at church starting January 21st.  Click HERE for a list of books.

Women’s Evening Alliance (WEA) – WEA brings women together once a month to share a potluck supper, get to know each other, laugh, be inspired, learn and grow through programs and discussions, and raise money for charities.  Retreats and social outings are other highlights.  WEA meets at the church September to May and in members’ homes June to August at 6:00 PM, the second Tuesday evening of each month.  Everyone is welcome!  Additional information HERE. Message HERE.


Grief Group – Grief Group will meet in May on  2 Tuesdays;  May 5th  & May 26th at 7 PM on ZOOM. This grief support group is open to anyone who has experienced a significant loss in their lives, and is facilitated by our Director of Pastoral Care and trained lay volunteers.  To attend the group click HERE. Message HERE.

Living Lightly with Health Challenges – Peer led, for those navigating personal, long-term, physical health challenges.  Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM and the 4th Saturday at 2:00 PM at the church, Room 205.  Message HERE.

Caring for the Caregiver – For individuals caring for loved ones, both young and old, that have special needs.  Meets the last Wednesday of each month at noon. Message HERE.

For more information about support groups, message HERE.


Sanctuary Choir – An adult audition choir directed by Don Krehbiel.  In session September to May. Rehearsals each Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 PM, followed by a time for fellowship.   More information HERE.  Message HERE.

Kindred Voices – An adult choir open to all; no audition required.  In session September to May.  Rehearses each Monday evening each Monday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 PM, followed by a time for fellowship.  More information HERE.  Message HERE.

By Your Side Singers – A pastoral singing group that visits home bound members, long term recover, and hospice.  Open to all.  Message HERE.


Hospitality Teams – Be on forefront of welcoming visitors, friends, and members to our campus.  One of the best ways to get to know other UU’s is to serve as an usher or greeter one Sunday per month.  Message HERE.

Pew Crew – Help us keep the sanctuary in good order.  Help refill pew card holders and straighten hymnals.  Meets once a quarter on Saturday morning.  A great family activity!  Join the Pew Crew group in REALM or message HERE to receive notice of dates.  Join in when you can.  All are welcome.

Media Booth – Assist with audio visual during worship service and special events and/or provide sound and video support.  Volunteers help record services, programming and events, and prepare recordings to be distributed and archived.  Message HERE.

Teaching Children – Join a teaching team! Church membership is not a prerequisite.  Teaching terms are September to May and June to August.  Message HERE for more information.

Church Library – Join the team that manages the church library.  Message HERE for additional information.

Teaching Adults – Have a special interest or particular subject expertise that you would like to share with others?  Message HERE. or click HERE for more information.


City Square – volunteer time with the Food Pantry at City Square assisting their neighbors in shopping.  Meets on 2nd Tuesdays, 2:00 – 4:00 PM.  Join the group in REALM for updates or message HERE.

North Texas Food Bank – Get to know other First Church members and friends and serve the community as well working a shift at the Food Bank with others from church.  We go as a group twice monthly, usually on Wednesday and Saturday.  Message HERE for additional information.  Check the Friday e-newsletter and the Order of Service on Sunday for dates and times.

White Rock Lake Shoreline Clean-Up – First Church takes care of one section of White Rock Lake.  Meet up with other members and friends on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM.  Message HERE for more information.


UU Playgroup – Meet with other caregivers of young children for fellowship and playtime.  Meets Tuesdays at the church 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM.  Message HERE for more information.

Primary Choir – Children age 5 to 2nd grade meet each Sunday August to February, 11:00 to 11:30 to experience joy in music. Message HERE for more information.

Junior Choir – Children 3rd to 8th grade meet each Sunday, August to February, 11:00 to 11:30 AM to make a joyful noise and learn music.  Message HERE for more information.