UU Common Read: “Breathe” by Imani Perry

Sundays, February 14, 21, and 28 – 11:00 a.m. on Zoom HERE

Facilitated by Aydrelle Collins and Carrie Stewart 

**Please note that this book study was originally scheduled to begin February 7th. Due to technical issues, it has been adjusted to begin Sunday, February 14th and continue for three consecutive Sundays through February 28th. If you were unable to join the Zoom on Sunday, we extend our apologies and hope you will be able to join us February 14, 21 & 28.**

In Breathe: A Letter to My Sons, Imani Perry issues a challenge to society to see Black children as deserving of humanity. She admits fear and frustration for her African American sons in a society that is increasingly racist and at times seems irredeemable. However, as a mother, feminist, writer, and intellectual, Perry offers an unfettered expression of love—finding beauty and possibility in life—and she exhorts her children and their peers to find the courage to chart their own paths and find steady footing and inspiration in Black tradition.

The Common Read selection committee of our Unitarian Universalist Association has chosen this book for 2021, as the country reckons with what it means to live as a Black or Brown American within systems of institutional racism.
